Agricultural Production division

We are organic farmers

VLS agricultural farms operate in the exceptional natural conditions of areas that have long been spared intensive human activity. Thanks to this environment and our way of farming, which is to the maximum possible extent considerate to both the countryside and farmed animals, all VLS agricultural production meets the highest standards of organic farming.

The Agricultural Production division specialises in raising meat cattle breeds and commercial production of milk, which we only supply to the market in organic quality.
VLS complies with the highest standard of cattle welfare, which is an indicator of healthy and humane conditions of livestock breeding.
All this affects the outstanding quality of the agricultural products that we supply to the market.

Farming in pure nature

The enterprise’s agricultural production respects the laws of nature while maintaining landscape features and the natural fertility of the soil. A large part of the land that we use for farming has been included in the Natura 2000 system. The Agricultural Production division operates on six and a half thousand hectares of agricultural land throughout the state enterprise’s territory. Most of this area consists of permanent grasslands used for grazing cattle; four hundred hectares of arable land is used to grow crops for animal feed, as well as cereals, annual and perennial crops.

Come and see

You can explore VLS’s ecological farming with your own eyes and taste buds. Every year, we organize a breeding day for the general public at our Bražec organic farm in the Doupov Mountains, in the Karlovy Vary region. The event always takes place in early autumn. The invitation is provided well in advance in the calendar.

Director: Ing. Jaroslav Kratochvíl
Registered office: Pod Juliskou 1621/5, 16000 Praha 6 - Dejvice
Telephone: +420 954 003 291

Within the organizational structure of the Agricultural Production division, three farms are operated by the management.

Květušín farm administration (Boletice, Šumava)
382 26 Horní Planá
Farm Manager: Ing. František Jungvirt

Bražec farm administration (Hradiště, Doupovské hory)
364 71 Bochov
Farm Manager: Ing. Pavel Ženíšek
Telephone: +420 353 919 216

Heroltovice farm administration (Libavá, Oderské vrchy)
Na Zelince 1147
751 31 Lipník nad Bečvou
Farm Manager: Ing. Roman Fojtík
Telephone: +420 585 043 029

Beef cattle production

Calves and young cattle 606 head
Pedigree bulls 70 head
Cows 1097 head
Heifers pregnant over 3 months 280 head
Total 2053 head

Data as of 1 January 2015

Organic milk production

Dairy cows 240 head
Pedigree bulls 2 head
Young cattle 227 head
Organic milk production 1 269 564 litres

Data as of 1 January 2015

Agricultural production sales

Sale of cattle CZK 11 million
Sale of organic milk CZK 12,8 million
Total CZK 23,8 million

Data as of 1 January 2015